1936 ERA Type B Race Car (22004199096 bearb Sp)

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English Racing Automobiles (ERA) was an English racing car manufacturer active from 1933 to 1954. Their ambition was to manufacture and campaign a team of single seater racing cars capable of upholding British prestige in Continental European racing. In 1935 and 1936 13 Type B racers were built which were campaigned with some success. Lord Howe and Raymond Mays are the more notable drivers who championed their Type B racers to impressive finishes. The Type B was similar in design and mechanical components of the 1934 Type A The Type B was further improved, mainly in the suspension, this was the Type C, then more work was done on the supercharger, the Type D Engine; improved version of the 1500cc Riley 6 cyl, supercharged and aluminium heads, 200hp

Photographed at the Monterey Historics at Laguna Seca in 2015
1936 ERA Type B Race Car Tento soubor byl odvozen z: 1936 ERA Type B Race Car (22004199096).jpg
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