50 NIS Bill Obverse & Reverse

1122 x 1087 Pixel (388118 Bytes)
Obverse & Reverse side of a 50 NIS bill
Komentář k Licence:
Public domain Já, autor tohoto díla, jej tímto uvolňuji jako volné dílo, a to celosvětově.
V některých zemích to není podle zákona možné; v takovém případě:
Poskytuji komukoli právo užívat toto dílo za libovolným účelem, a to bezpodmínečně s výjimkou podmínek vyžadovaných zákonem.
The image above depicts a unit of currency issued by the Bank of Israel. This design is copyrighted by the Bank of Israel, and its use is permitted by the bank under certain limitations:
  1. It is forbidden to print a two-sided reproduction of a banknote (i.e. in a way that makes the reproduction look like a genuine banknote).
  2. A reproduction of a banknote may not be used to degrade the banknote.
  3. A reproduction of a banknote may not be used as a coupon or published in a book unless the dimensions of the reproduction are at least 30% bigger or smaller than the original design.
  4. A reproduction of a banknote may be used as part of an advertisement or a larger design providing that the colors and/or design of the banknote are not altered. However, the reproduction may present the banknote in black and white and text may be added to it for the purpose of advertising, creating a caricature or for similar purposes.
  5. A reproduction of a banknote may be published in a book or as part of a research, providing that the colors and/or design of the banknote are not altered, and text is not added. Publishing the reproduction in black and white is allowed. A credit should be given to the Bank of Israel.
  6. All of the above apply for banknotes in circulation and those taken out of circulation.

See the statement by the Bank of Israel.

Public domain
self-made, scan of the bill
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