Neznámý fotograf
992 x 783 Pixel (207142 Bytes)
A midwife showing off the baby to the parents.
Komentář k Licence:
This Swedish photograph is in the public domain in Sweden because one of the following applies:
- The photograph does not reach the Swedish threshold of originality (common for snapshots and journalistic photos) and was created before 1 January 1975 (SFS 1960:729, § 49a).
- The photograph was published anonymously before 1 January 1955 and the author did not reveal their identity during the following 70 years (SFS 1960:729, § 44).
For photos in the first category created before 1969, also {{PD-1996}} usually applies. For photos in the second category published before 1930, also {{PD-US-expired}} usually applies.
If the photographer died before 1955, {{PD-old-70}} should be used instead of this tag. If the author died before 1926, also {{PD-1996}} usually applies.
Public domain
IMS Vintage Photos
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