- Adela reaumurella (Linnaeus 1758)
- Location: Woblitz near Fürstenberg (Havel), Germany
- Camera: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
- Lens: Canon EF 3.5/180L
- Focal Length: 180 mm
- Exposure: 1/200, f22
- Film / Speed: ISO 100
- Comment: Canon Flash 580EX
I, Olei am the creator of this work and I hereby publish it under the licences detailed below. You may use this work free of charge under two conditions: Naming the image's author and inheritance of the chosen license. If you want a license with the conditions of your choice, please email me to negotiate terms. Ich, Olei bin der Autor dieses Bildwerkes, und ich veröffentliche es hiermit unter den unten beschriebenen Lizenzen. | |||||
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Adéla zelenáAdéla zelená (Adela reaumurella) je drobný denní motýl, v Česku je běžným druhem listnatých lesů. .. pokračovat ve čtení