La Grande procession : procession avec le roi de Samarcande, peinture murale d’Afrasyab, mur sud. Musée d’Afrasyab, Samarcande. – Image (pp. 110—111) dan le livre De Kaboul à Samarcande : Les archéologues en Asie centrale par Svetlana Gorshenina et Claude Rapin, collection « Découvertes Gallimard / Archéologie » (nº 411), description à la page 155. Éditions Gallimard, 2001.
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The Ambassordors' Painting, found in the hall of the ruin of an aristocratic house in Afrasiab, commissioned by the king of Samarkand, Varkhuman
Description from :"The wall painting shows four geese and, more remarkably, an un-mounted horse, accompanied by men wearing the padām, the traditional face mask of Mazdean priests, and two men with sacrificial maces, sitting atop a camel. This scene could be interpreted as a parade of priests and sacrificial animals, which is, moreover, followed by a larger horse with a large rider."
Description from :"The wall painting shows four geese and, more remarkably, an un-mounted horse, accompanied by men wearing the padām, the traditional face mask of Mazdean priests, and two men with sacrificial maces, sitting atop a camel. This scene could be interpreted as a parade of priests and sacrificial animals, which is, moreover, followed by a larger horse with a large rider."
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SogdianaSogdiana, též Sogd, byla starověká kultura existující zhruba od 6. století př. n. l. do 10.- 11. století. Centrum se nacházelo kolem dnešního uzbeckého města Samarkand. Rozkládala se však nejen na území dnešního Uzbekistánu, ale i Tádžikistánu, Kazachstánu a Kyrgyzstánu. .. pokračovat ve čtení