Alfred Grohs zur Revolution 1918 1919 in Berlin Große Frankfurter Straße Ecke Lebuser Straße Barrikade Kampf während der Novemberrevolution in Berlin 02 Bildseite Schaulustige

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2088 x 3240 Pixel (9401827 Bytes)
Only in the enlargement of this scan of the original real photo-viewing map by the author Alfred Grohs do details of the scenery become discernible that allow a different way of looking at it: Even if the sharpness of the original photograph is comparatively disappointing, the gathered group of onlookers in the building entrance next to the clothing shop ("Ladies' Coats") on "Große Frankfurter Straße" is an indication that the actual fighting action of the barricade fights during the November Revolution that can apparently be seen in the photograph is apparently no longer life-threatening. A re-enacted shot of parents letting their children watch? However, the gain in knowledge compared to the digital copy donated by the German Federal Archives is enormous: in addition to other details, it has so far been possible to identify both the name of the photographer and the exact location of the photograph (on today's Karl-Marx-Allee) via Wikimedia Commons.
Scan vom Original: Bernd Schwabe in Hannover
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(c) Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00539 / Groß, Alfred / CC-BY-SA 3.0

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