Alicante - Castillo de Santa Bárbara 22.11.2010 19

Michael Kranewitter
Obrázek je označen jako „Vyžadováno uvedení zdroje“ (Attribution Required), ale nebyly uvedeny žádné informace o přiřazení. Při použití šablony MediaWiki pro licence CC-BY byl pravděpodobně parametr atribuce vynechán. Autoři zde mohou najít příklad pro správné použití šablon.
3008 x 2000 Pixel (2949989 Bytes)
Tento obrázek byl nahrán v rámci projektu Wiki miluje památky 2012.
Komentář k Licence:
This photograph/illustration was created by Michael Kranewitter and released under the license below. You are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit me as the author and follow the terms of the license.

This means that free usage outside of Wikimedia projects under the following terms of licence is possible:

  • 1.1 The image is credited with “Michael Kranewitter, Wikimedia Commons, CC-by-sa 4.0” (instead of 4.0 please use the version number of the licence listed below if divergent)
    If this is not possible due to shortage of space, please contact me first.
  • 1.2 If possible, weblinks to the original image and to the licence would be great,for example: “Michael Kranewitter, Wikipedia, CC-by-sa 4.0

I would be happy to receive a specimen copy or the URL of the website where the image is used.

Please write an email to, if you

  • need my postal address for sending a specimen copy
  • have further questions to the terms of licence
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