Alloway Kirk

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Engraving by Capt. Francis Grose, made at the request of the poet Robert Burns, in return for which Burns wrote the poem Tam o' Shanter to accompany the illustration. Grose wrote, "This church is also famous for being the place wherein the witches and warlocks used to hold infernal meetings, or sabbaths, and prepare their magical unctions; here too they used to amuse themselves with dancing to the pipes of the muckle-horned Deel. Diverse stories of these horrid rites are still current: one of which my worthy friend Mr. Burns has here favoured me with in verse."
Public domain
F Grose, The Antiquities Of Scotland, 1797
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Tam o'Shanter

Tam o'Shanter (1791) je básnická povídka skotského preromantického básníka Ronerta Burnse. Báseň je považována za Burnsovo mistrovské dílo a za vrcholné dílo svého žánru v britské literatuře. .. pokračovat ve čtení