Amargatitanis Skeletal

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Skeletal diagram of the South American basal dicraeosaurid sauropod dinosaur Amargatitanis macni. This diagram depicts the type and only known specimen, MACN PV N53. The taxonomic affinities of Amargatitanis have been uncertain, with it originally being classified as a titanosaur before being reclassified as a dicraeosaurid, either close to Suuwassea or Bajasaurus and Pilmatueia. The unknown regions have been based on Amargasaurus (trunk, forelimbs, and neck), Bajadasaurus (skull), Pilmatueia (neck), Dicraeosaurus (tail and hindlimb), Suuwassea (hindlimb), and Lingwulong (pelvis).


  • Known
  • Unknown

Scale bar=1 metre (3.3 ft)


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