Antony Gormley - Another Place - Crosby Beach 01

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One of the many life-sized cast iron figures of Antony Gormley's installation Another Place on Crosby Beach, near Liverpool in England. The figures all stare out over the Irish Sea in shared solidarity at the relatively bleak seascape. Most of the figures are submerged at high tide and so are now covered with barnacles.

One of the other figures can be seen in the background, near the top of the beach, along with the lights of Bootle Docks.

This is a temporary installation that has previously been shown in Cuxhaven, Germany.
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(c) Herman Verheij, CC BY-SA 3.0
(c), CC BY 3.0

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Antony Gormley

Sir Antony Mark David Gormley, OBE, je britský sochař. Mezi jeho skulptury patří Anděl severu u severoanglického Gatesheadu, dílo zadané roku 1994 a vztyčené během února 1998, Another Place na pláži Crosby Beach poblíž Liverpoolu a Horizont událostí, instalace více soch poprvé vystavená v Londýně roku 2007, poté na Madison Square v New Yorku (2010), v São Paulu (2012) a mezi lety 2015–2016 také v čínském Hongkongu. .. pokračovat ve čtení