Antsiferova - Landsat 7

Data: NASA. Image: Dave Pape
600 x 440 Pixel (71906 Bytes)
Landsat 7 image of the Kuril Island of Antsiferova, 14.25 meter resolution. Based on Global Orthorectified Landsat dataset (ETM+); WRS_PATH 101, WRS_ROW 025. Generated using panchromatic band for intensity, and color from "true-color" combination of 28.5 meter resolution bands 3, 2, & 1 (as R, G, B respectively). Data combined and color curves enhanced in the Gimp.
Komentář k Licence:
Original data PD-NASA; any copyright that exists from my creation of this image is dedicated to the public domain (PD-SELF)
Public domain
Data from USGS GloVis server Landsat Orthorectified data generated through NASA's Commercial Remote Sensing Program.
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