Atheist Republic in Mecca

(c) Nano GoleSorkh, CC BY 3.0

960 x 540 Pixel (1220945 Bytes)
In 2014, Saudi ex-Muslim Rana Ahmad was having trouble in her family, and sought and found the help of Atheist Republic and other similar organisations online. When her family forced her to come along with the hajj, she took this picture of herself holding a piece of paper with "Atheist Republic" inside the Great Mosque of Mecca, the holiest site of Islam. She subsequently fled to Germany, aided by Faith to Faithless.
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(c) De Balie, CC BY 3.0
(c) Nano GoleSorkh, CC BY 3.0
(c) Nano GoleSorkh, CC BY 3.0

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Rana Ahmadová

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