Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement 1983 - signed by Laurie Francis & Lionel Bowen (13272074365 cropped)

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On 28 March 1983 the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (CER) was signed. The agreement came into force on January 1 1983 but was not signed until the 28 March. The agreement was signed by Australian Deputy Prime Minister Lionel Bowen and the New Zealand High Commissioner to Australia, Sir Laurie Francis.

One of the most important results of CER was the Protocol on the Acceleration of Free Trade in Goods, which resulted in the total elimination of tariffs or quantitative restrictions between the two countries by 1 July 1990, five years ahead of schedule. Other parts of CER include: goods that can be legally sold in one country can also be legally sold in the other, anyone registered to practice an occupation in one country may practise in the other (with some exemptions including medical practitioners), and service providers may provide services in either country (except in certain areas such as airway services)

Further information on the agreement can be found on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade website:

The image presented here is from a collection of photographs transferred to Archives New Zealand by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Mr Lionel Bowen and Mr Laurie Francis can be seen signing the agreement in Canberra [AAEG 626 W2879 1/a 1].

This item can be viewed in our Wellington Reading Room. For updates on our On This Day series and news from Archives New Zealand, follow us on Twitter

Material supplied by Archives New Zealand
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