
Pablo A. Gallina, Sebastián Apesteguía, Juan I. Canale & Alejandro Haluza
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Skeletal reconstruction of Bajadasaurus pronuspinax gen. et sp. nov (MMCh-PV 75), location and quarry map. (A) The neck and skull reconstruction in left lateral view, showing preserved bones in white. The complete anterior cervical vertebra is located tentatively in the fifth position (see Description). The total count of cervical elements, as well as the relative extension of the neural spines, is based in the complete series of the related taxon Amargasaurus, the other dicraeosaurid with extremely elongated bifid neural spines along the neck. (B) A map of the surrounding area of the Ezequiel Ramos Mexía lake (Neuquén Province, Argentina) showing the type locality of Bajadasaurus (Bajada Colorada) indicated by a white star. (C) A quarry map showing the association and location of the remains in the field. at, atlas; ax, axis; cv, cervical vertebra; d, dentary; f, frontal; m, maxilla; po, postorbital; pt, pterygoid; qj, quadratojugal.
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Bajadasaurus byl rod neosauropodního dinosaura z čeledi dikreosauridů, který žil v období rané křídy na území dnešní argentinské Patagonie. Fosilie tohoto středně velkého sauropoda byly objeveny v sedimentech souvrství Bajada Colorada a formálně byly popsány na začátku roku 2019. .. pokračovat ve čtení