Barn Owl Fun
My friend lent me his 50D and 400mm 5.6L but failed to tell me the shutter button is broken and the lens was 10 out on the MA. As Its his sons kit. I was pressing the shutter and it would start shooting 3 seconds later. ( he was laughing his skull off ) So missed most of the gorgeous full frame hovering shots lol got tons of blurred full frame images But still managed to have a great laugh. The funny thing was he only told me the shutter button was broken after the owl had gone. Anyway thanks for lending us the contraption Dave lol ... And i look forward to all your gorgeous shots LOL
Managed one or two sharp images anyway .....Relevantní obrázky
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Sova pálenáSova pálená je středně velký druh sovy z čeledi sovovitých (Tytonidae), nápadný hlavně výrazným srdcovitým závojem kolem očí. Jedná se o nejrozšířenější druh sovy vůbec, obývající řadu biotopů na všech kontinentech s výjimkou Antarktidy. .. pokračovat ve čtení