Basilica Aemilia 3D

(c) A derivative work of a 3D model by Lasha Tskhondia - L.VII.C., CC BY-SA 3.0

1659 x 878 Pixel (701822 Bytes)
This is a derivative work of a 3D, Computer generated image of the Basilica Aemilia by the model maker, Lasha Tskhondia - L.VII.C.[1]. Variations to the original model include shadows, adjusted for good lighting as well as the file being adjusted for color and contrast.
Komentář k Licence:

The author of the 3D image has uploaded their model through Google 3D Warehouse which allows: [O]ther end users of the Services a perpetual, sublicensable, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, and non-exclusive license to reproduce, adapt, modify, translate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute any Content or derivative works thereof...

You retain the right to: (a) make content that you upload to 3D Warehouse using Google SketchUp or third party services available under different license terms, and (b) stop distributing such Content through 3D Warehouse at any time; provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw the license granted under these Terms.

The copyright of this building is in the public domain, as it's age is over two thousand years old. While the work itself may retain some copyrights (such as attribution) the design aspects are not original works of this author.

The author's work has no additional license requirements, but this derivative work is being made under CC 3.0
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Bazilika Aemilia

Bazilika Aemilia byla stavba v severní části římského Fora Romana. Nacházela se mezi budovou římského senátu Curia Hostilia a chrámem Antonina a Faustiny. Severní zeď baziliky sousedila s fórem Nervy a naproti jižní zdi, směrem do Fora Romana, byl vystavěn Caesarův chrám. .. pokračovat ve čtení