Beth Laemmle magazine cover (cropped)
Poirier, Conrad, 1912-1968
1008 x 1441 Pixel (248498 Bytes)
Magazine cover featuring Carla (Beth) Laemmle, silent movie star.
From the collection of Conrad Poirier, Montreal national archives.
The full provenance isn't completely clear - the Montreal national archives mark this image as public domain, which it would be in Canada as a photograph before 1946. However there is some chance this is actually a US magazine (most of the Poirier collection is his own work, but there are a few Pour Vous magazine images, which are French). If that is the case, then the image is still public domain, but for a different reason, which is "Copyright not renewed" - no Carla or Beth Laemmle images have had their copyright renewed, which would have been a requirement for a 1932 image.
Public domain
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