CONTOUR pre-launch

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The Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) spacecraft is ready to be raised for its move to a spin table in the Spacecraft Assembly and Encapsulation Facility 2. CONTOUR will provide the first detailed look into the heart of a comet -- the nucleus. Flying as close as 60 miles (100 kilometers) to at least two comets, the spacecraft will take the sharpest pictures yet of a nucleus while analyzing the gas and dust that surround these rocky, icy building blocks of the solar system. Launch of CONTOUR aboard a Boeing Delta II rocket is scheduled for July 1 from Launch Pad 17-A, Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
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CONTOUR byla kometární sonda americké kosmické agentury NASA, která měla v rámci programu Discovery zkoumat jádra dvou komet. Sonda byla zničena po pokusu dostat se na heliocentrickou dráhu. Cíle mise nebyly splněny. .. pokračovat ve čtení