Canal Street From Clay Monument WM Jackson Cropped

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New Orleans in the 1890s: Canal Street from the Clay Monument.

View is looking lakewards (away from the Mississippi River) from Canal Street's intersection with St. Charles Avenue & Royal Street. Photo taken from the "Clay monument" mentioned but not seen is shown, a statue of Henry Clay; see Category:Henry Clay Statue on Canal Street, New Orleans. Carriages seen along street and streetcars on the neutral ground. The streetcars appear to be all mule cars as no electric cantary is seen; thus the scene would predate the start of electrification of the line c. late 1894. The photo is no earlier than 1890, however, from the presence of the Chess, Checkers & Whist Club Building (the building with the distinctive corner cupola at seen at left) at the uptown lake corner of Canal & Barrone.
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Photograph by William Henry Jackson for Detroit Publishing Company. Via Library of Congress website [1]. Wikimedia Commons uploader Infrogmation converted image from TIFF to .jpg, non-photographic border and a portion of image at sides cropped to create rectangular image, and contrast adusted before upload to Wikimedia Commons.
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William Henry Jackson

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