Carolingian empire 843

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Imperio carolingio tras el Tratado de Verdún (843)

Vlastní dílo

  • [1]: The clearest division was that along the Loire, cutting off the more Frankish Neustria and Austrasia from the more Romanized Aquitaine. This division had already been recognized in Charlemagne's day, for he had established Aquitaine as a sub-kingdom for his son Louis the Pious; when Charles the Bald obtained West Francia, Aquitaine was in hands of his nephew Pippin II, whose reluctance to recognize his uncle lent new sharpness to the old ethnic division. In fact Charles spent much of his reign striving for mastery south of the Loire; and though he was ultimately successful in 855
  • [2]: Pepin II, son and successor of Pepin I, had to struggle for the possession of his kingdom with his uncle Charles le Chauve, by whom he was deposed after a long contest which was maintained with various fluctuations of success, during which the people of Aquitaine shifted their allegiance with wonderful facility.
  • [3]: Charles eut l'ancienne Neustrie et la partie de la Gaule qui n'était point donnée à Lothaire. Dans celle partie, se trouvait comprise l'Aquitaine qu'il lui fallait soumettre , et la Bretagne qu'il devait conquérir, s'il désirait y obtenir une domination réelle.
  • [4]: En Verdun, en 843, se hizo otra distribución: á saber, á Lotario Italia, Provenza, Delfinado, Saboya, Suiza Francesa, Franco Condado, la Borgoña al Este del Saona, la Alsacia, la Lorena, el Cambresis, y cuanto hay entre el Rhin, el Escalda, y el Mosa, excepto Spira, Worms, Maguncia, Ingelheim; luego sobre la derecha del Rhin desde Bonn hasta la Frisia, la antigua Francia Ripuaria desde el Rhin á la Sajonia; añadiendo sobre la derecha del Ródano el Lionés, el Vivarais y el Uzige. Tocó á Luis el Germánico la Francia Transriniana con Worms, Spira, Maguncia, Ingelhein, y por esto se le disminuyeron la Frisia, y la parte de Francia Ripuaria dadas al precedente. A Carlos el Calvo le correspondió la Francia Occidental, es decir, los países al Occidente del Escalda, del Mosa, del Saona, y del Ródano, hasta los dos mares que fueron los confines que conservó Francia hasta el siglo XIV.
  • [5]: Lothair was quite ready to sacrifice his nephew, consequently he offered Charles the dominions of Pepin,—Aquitaine, together with Septimania, Provence and ten counties between Seine and Loire.
  • [6]: Pepin I left a son of the same name as himself, but Lois set aside his claims in favour of Charles the Bald. Pepin II, however, was proclaimed king by a faction in Aquitaine, and was effectively ruler of part of the country from 839 to 852.
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