Chinois Wu

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Wu Chinese is a group of Chinese languages/dialects spoken in Shanghai, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui and Jiangxi provinces, in Mainland China. The total number of speaker seemed to be 81 millon in 2018 (according to Ethnologue). However, those varieties are under pressure from Mandarin. It is the first non-official language in the world, before Penjabi (an Indo-Aryan language). It sometimes includes Huizhou Chinese, but it is not the case on this map. Wu languages seem to have been influenced by Old Yue (an ancient Tai-Kadai language, not the Chinese language group). The Wu varieties separated from Early Middle Chinese during the 7th century, along with Xiang and Yue, replacing Old Wu, an Old Chinese variety from which Modern Wu does not descend, and Proto-Wu separated during the 15th century. Sources : See links above. Converted in SVG by Antimuonium.
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