Claudia De la Cruz (cropped)

Party for Socialism and Liberation
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Supporters of the Claudia De la Cruz/Karina Garcia 2024 socialist presidential campaign gathered in Newark, New Jersey on January 28. Claudia, Karina and prominent activists spoke about how we need to build a real alternative to the ruling class parties. The two capitalist parties claim to be the only “real” options for people in this country, but every day they prove themselves to be committed to exploitation, war, and destroying our planet to make more profits for the super-rich. We launched this campaign with the main goal of building the movement for socialism and liberation, but also to cut through the lie that we have to always choose the “lesser of two evils.” Both the Democrats and Republicans serve CEO’s, bankers, and Wall Street - but each and every volunteer shows that the working class and oppressed people in this country want and need our own party!
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