Coat of arms of Syria (2024–present) variation media
Based on Transitional government's and state institutions' social media accounts:
- Presidency:
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates:
- Foreign Minister, Asaad Hassan al-Shaybani
- Ministry of Defence:
- Ministry of Media:
- Ministry of Higher Education: (Official Website)
- Ministry of Health: (Official Website)
- Ministry of Public Works and Housing: (Official Website)
- Syrian Embassy:
- Syrian Port Authority:
Under Official Capacity:
- Papers passed by the Ministry of Education concerning education reform [1]
- Customs and Border Crossing Appointment, 24 December 2024 [2]
- Act passed on public sector salaries by 400% among Government employees, signed by Muhammad Al-Bashir, 5 January 2025 [3]
- Papers tasking an engineer as manager of the Department of Water Resources and Land Reclamation in the governorate of Deir al-Zour, 15 January 2025 [4]
- Act passed on the prohibition of the firing of firearms, under penalty of legal accountability against violators, signed my the Ministry of Interior, 6 February 2025 [5]
- Directive paper instructing for the return of all employees and contractors whose work center is specified to their original directorates, or labled under penalty, signed by the Ministry of Education, 22 January 2025 [6]
- Letter for the postponement of Culture Course Exams in Universities to the Second Semester, signed by the ministry of Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, 21 January 2025 [7]
- Government list of names of public and private universities and recognized institutes, and response letter by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research amidst backlash. [8]
- Syrian Port authority government car logo. [9]
Relevantní obrázky
Relevantní články
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Syrská hymnaHymna Sýrie je píseň Ħumāt ad-Diyār. Hymna vznikla v roce 1936. Text napsal Khalil Mardam Beyna a hudbu složil Mohammed Flayfel, taktéž skladatel palestinské hymny. Hymna byla slavnostně přijata 2 roky po vyhlášení nezávislosti Sýrie v roce 1938. .. pokračovat ve čtení
Státní znak IrákuStátní znak Iráku je tvořen již od roku 1963 Saladinovským orlem s černými perutěmi a ocasem podle egyptského vzoru. Na hrudi orla je položen štít s barvami a nápisem Alláhu akbar (Takbír) z irácké vlajky. Orel stojí na zeleném podkladu s arabským nápisem Džumhúríjat al-Irák. .. pokračovat ve čtení
Sa'ikaSa'ika je palestinská politická militantní a teroristická organizace založená v roce 1968 syrskou stranou Baas. Organizace měla zastupovat Palestince ve straně Baas a zároveň měla sloužit jako nástroj prosazení syrské politiky v rámci Organizace pro osvobození Palestiny (OOP). .. pokračovat ve čtení