Cold War2-US+EU+allies vs Russia+China+allies

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Blue: USA, the European Union and allies: EU candidate countries, NATO, NATO Membership Action Plan, countries supporting Taiwan on its political status, countries aligned with USA in the South China Sea dispute, countries that oppose Russia over their invasion of Ukraine or annexation of Ukrainian territories, countries opposing the Syrian Government on the Syrian Civil War, countries supporting the Yemeni Government on the Yemeni Civil War, countries opposing the government of Venezuela, countries with military bases of USA, EU countries and/or their allies, countries with border disputes with China or Russia.

Red: Russia, China and allies: Eurasian Economic Union countries, regions/countries de facto controlled by pro-Russian establishments that are not recognized by the Western powers, countries aligned with China in the South China Sea dispute, countries recognizing the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, countries supporting Russia over their invasion of Ukraine or annexation of Ukrainian territories, countries supporting the Syrian Government on the Syrian Civil War, countries opposing the Yemeni Government on the Yemeni Civil War, countries supporting the government of Venezuela, countries with military bases of Russia and China, countries with border disputes with the United States or EU member states.

Purple: Countries that have supported both sides
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