Daguerreotype of Margam Castle

Calvert Richard Jones (1802-1877)
750 x 509 Pixel (452786 Bytes)
Photographer: Calvert Richard Jones (1802-1877)

This whole-plate daguerreotype of Margam Castle taken by the Rev. Calvert Richard Jones on 9th March 1841, is the only daguerreotype by Calvert Jones known to have survived. Its early date and high quality make it a crucial image in the history of photography. For over a hundred years the photographer's work was neglected and only now is his genius gaining its just recognition.

Date: 1841 Medium: Daguerreotype

National Library of Wales: Reference: dcm00001 (PG00726)

Record no.: 3354235
Komentář k Licence:
Logo llgc 2013 1488px.jpg

The source of this file is http://www.llgc.org.uk/en/. The website is managed by the National Library of Wales.

Public domain

Toto dílo je volné také v zemích, jejichž právní řád chrání majetková autorská práva po dobu života autora a 70 let po jeho smrti.

Toto dílo je ve Spojených státech amerických dílem volným (public domain), protože tam bylo registrováno u U.S. Copyright Office nebo zveřejněno před 1. lednem 1927.

Public domain
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru / The National Library of Wales
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