De Gaulle - à tous les Français
1180 x 1572 Pixel (263816 Bytes)
France has lost a battle!
But France has not lost the war!
Some that have happened into governing positions may have capitulated, ceding to panic, forgetting honour, delivering the country to servitude. However, nothing is lost!
Nothing is lost, because this war is a world war. In the free universe, immense forces have yet to get into the fray. One day, those forces will crush the enemy. That day, France must be there for victory. Then she will find her liberty and her greatness again. Such is my goal, my only goal!
This is why I invite all Frenchmen, wherever they may be, to join me in action, in sacrifice, and in hope.
Our motherland is in lethal danger. Let us all fight to save her!
General de Gaulle
Carlton Gardens 4
London, S.W.1.
Translation of the original radio speech: en:Appeal_of_June_18#Translation_of_the_speech
France has lost a battle!
But France has not lost the war!
Some that have happened into governing positions may have capitulated, ceding to panic, forgetting honour, delivering the country to servitude. However, nothing is lost!
Nothing is lost, because this war is a world war. In the free universe, immense forces have yet to get into the fray. One day, those forces will crush the enemy. That day, France must be there for victory. Then she will find her liberty and her greatness again. Such is my goal, my only goal!
This is why I invite all Frenchmen, wherever they may be, to join me in action, in sacrifice, and in hope.
Our motherland is in lethal danger. Let us all fight to save her!
General de Gaulle
Carlton Gardens 4
London, S.W.1.
Translation of the original radio speech: en:Appeal_of_June_18#Translation_of_the_speech
Komentář k Licence:
This image from the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) is a reproduction by scanning of a bidimensional work that is now in the public domain ({{PD-scan}}). For this reason, it is in the public domain.
Public domain
This file comes from Gallica Digital Library and is available under the digital ID btv1b10209524t
Relevantní obrázky
Relevantní články
Výzva z 18. červnaVýzva z 18. června je ve francouzských dějinách označení pro první projev generála de Gaulla, který pronesl v londýnském exilu na vlnách stanice BBC dne 18. června 1940. V tomto textu generál vyzval všechny francouzské vojáky, inženýry nebo dělníky se specializací na zbrojení, kteří se ocitnou na britském území, aby se s ním spojili a pokračovali v boji proti nacistickému Německu, a ve kterém předvídal globalizaci války. .. pokračovat ve čtení