Dean Kamen visits Team Whiteman 160426-F-TQ704-039 (cropped)
Airman 1st Class Keenan Berry
1181 x 1145 Pixel (770412 Bytes)
Dean Kamen, the FIRST Robotics founder, left, speaks with U.S. Air Force Capt. Ryan Magner, a 509th Operations Support Squadron B-2 Spirit pilot, about B-2 egress procedures at Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., April 26, 2016. Kamen met Airmen and FIRST Robotics alumni during his visit and received an incentive flight in a B-2 Spirit. The U.S. Air Force and FIRST Robotics share an interest in developing youth into future leaders through exposure to education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Keenan Berry)
Unit: 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs Whiteman Air Force Base
Unit: 509th Bomb Wing Public Affairs Whiteman Air Force Base
Public domain
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Dean KamenDean Lawrence Kamen je americký vynálezce a podnikatel. .. pokračovat ve čtení