Diluvicursor life restoration

P. Trusler
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Figure 36: Artist’s interpretation of the early Albian, volcaniclastic, floodplain palaeoenvironment within the Australian-Antarctic rift graben, in the region of Eric the Red West. Scene depicting two individuals of Diluvicursor pickeringi on the cutbank of a high-energy meandering river, regional floral components and distant rift margin uplands. Floral components potentially included forest trees of Araucariaceae (Agathis and Araucaria), Podocarpaceae and Cupressaceae and lower story/ground cover plants, including pteridophytes (ferns, including equisetaleans), hepatics, lycopods, cycadophytes, bennettitaleans, seed-bearing fern- or cycad-like taeniopterids and early Australian angiosperms. Artwork by P. Trusler, with permission.
Herne MC, Tait AM, Weisbecker V, Hall M, Nair JP, Cleeland M, Salisbury SW. (2018) A new small-bodied ornithopod (Dinosauria, Ornithischia) from a deep, high-energy Early Cretaceous river of the Australian–Antarctic rift system. PeerJ 5:e4113 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4113
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