Dinosaur National Monument (6856251672)

InSapphoWeTrust from Los Angeles, California, USA
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Dinosaur National Monument is located along the Utah-Colorado border. The Utah portion, located just outside Jensen, is home to the famous quarry where a large number of dinosaur bones were found and are still on display.

This is the structure that covers and protects the open quarry. It had first been built in the 1950s, but thanks to improper design that did not take the geology of the soil into consideration, the building immediately started cracking and tilting. It was completely closed in 2006, demolished, and rebuilt into its current form with the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funds from 2009; it re-opened in October 2011, and the visitor center, formerly here in a cylindrical building, was moved half a mile downhill into a brand-new building.

The silver Hyundai Genesis is my car - a LONG way from home.
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