Donau City Vienna from Donauinsel on 2014-08-28 crop

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5760 x 3240 Pixel (8898792 Bytes)
NOTE: This image is a panorama consisting of 3 frames that were merged or stitched in PTGui Pro. As a result, this image necessarily underwent some form of digital manipulation. These manipulations may include blending, blurring, cloning, and colour and perspective adjustments. As a result of these adjustments, the image content may be slightly different from reality at the points where multiple images were combined. This manipulation is often required due to lens, perspective, and parallax distortions.
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This photograph was taken by Robert F. Tobler and released under the license(s) stated below. You are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit the author, the Source (Wikimedia Commons) and the license (CC-BY-SA 4.0) in close relation to the image.
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DC Towers

DC Towers je budovaný komplex dvou vídeňských mrakodrapů, který je situován v moderní obchodní čtvrti Donau City. Skládá se z budovy DC Tower 1 a z nižší DC Tower 2. Architektem obou mrakodrapů je Francouz Dominique Perrault, ale celý projekt je realizován ve spolupráci s rakouskou architektonickou společností Hoffmann-Janz Architekten. Zatím byla dokončena první z budov – DC Tower 1, která slouží veřejnosti od roku 2013. .. pokračovat ve čtení