EXECUTION BY ELECTRICITY electric chair illustration Scientific American Volumes 58-59 June 30 1888

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Illustration "EXECUTION BY ELECTRICITY SHORTLY TO BE INTRODUCED IN N Y STATE" from the JUNE 30, 1888 Scientific American depicting the newly approved form of capital punishment in New York State, the "electric chair" based on Alfred P. Southwick's design. This design would be refined over the next year by the New York Medico-Legal Society. It was first used on August 6, 1890 to put condemned criminal William Kemmler to death.

Excerpt from the article:

EXECUTION BY ELECTRICITY The State of New York may pride herself in the fact that the gallows is to be banished and a more humane and scientific method of executing criminals is to be instituted. On June 4 Governor Bill signed the bill authorizing that criminals should be put to death by an electric shock The bill is to go into effect on January 1 1889 and new method of execution be applied in the punishment of crimes committed after date The passage of this is due principally to the efforts of the commission appointed by the legislature to investigate and report on this subject commission consisted of Elbridge T. Gerry, Alfred P. Southwick, and Matthew Hale who deserve much credit having fathered and engineered this bill at Albany and having brought it to a successful issue....

..... the method suggested by the commission and recommended in report and which is illustrated in the engraving, the criminal is seated bound to a chair having a metal seat connected with one pole of the current At the back of the chair there is an adjustable head rest having a metal plate on its face and a metal band which passes around the forehead of criminal The wires may be connected with dynamo which according to the bill may be of any approved type or the current may be supplied from electric light plant or there may be a private plant arranged especially for that purpose at the place of execution Sponges or dampened cloths should be at the points of contact with the convict to render connection more perfect At the proper moment switch is turned by the officer and instant death ensues The current passes along the spinal column and the brain and nerve centers The current may be few moments to bring about complete exhaustion.
Public domain
Scientific American, Volumes 58-59, Munn & Company, 1888, page 407
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