Egypt and the Sûdân; handbook for travellers (1914) (14597319359)

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Identifier: egyptsdnhand00karl (find matches)
Title: Egypt and the Sûdân; handbook for travellers
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Authors: Karl Baedeker (Firm)
Subjects: Egypt -- Guidebooks Sudan -- Guidebooks
Publisher: Leipzig : K. Baedeker New York, C. Scribner's sons (etc., etc.)
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: MSN

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still occupied by modern huts. The Second Court, whicb opens to the S. on the temple proper,is in better preservation. The sons and daughters of Ramses II.were represented oti the wall on the inner side of the pylon, butthe figures and inscriptions have been almost effaced. On the rightand left walls appears Ramses II., sacrificing to different gods; oneach side are steles of Ramses II. At the back of the court alow incline ascends to the vestibule of the temple proper, whichis supported by 12 square piers of limestone and originally hadseven doors in its rear wall. On the wall, to the left of the mainentrance, is a Large Inscription in 95 vertical lines, in whichRamses II. describes in florid language the completion of the temple.In the adjoining relief Ramses is shown presenting an image of thegoddess Maat to a triad consisting of Osiris, Isis, and his fatherSethos I., who takes the place of Horus. On the wall are otherrepresentations of Ramses in presence of the gods. — The seven
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