Eugen Mauritz, 1635-1673, Prins av Savoyen

Podle Vaillant Wallerand
2626 x 3544 Pixel (27946752 Bytes)
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This is a faithful photographic reproduction of an original two-dimensional work of art. The work of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason:

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This digital reproduction has been released under the following licenses:

Public domain Nationalmuseum has placed those images in the Public Domain which have been acquired exclusively by digital reproduction of those works of art that are no longer protected by copyright. Nationalmuseum does not consider that a new copyright emerges for the reproduction.

Nationalmuseum has stated some guidelines below what we consider best practice when using images in the Public Domain. The guidelines below are based on the Europeanas Public Domain Usage Guidelines, but there is no legal liability to comply to them.

  • When you use a public domain work please credit the author or creator.
  • Please also credit Nationalmuseum and the photographer, who created the digital reproduction and made it available.
  • When you use or modify a public domain work you should not attribute the changes to the creator or the provider of the work.

You can easily link to the object as a source, otherwise we recommend the following:

Artist: Title, Date, Nationalmuseum (Photo: photographer’s name), public domain


In many jurisdictions, faithful reproductions of two-dimensional public domain works of art are not copyrightable. The Wikimedia Foundation's position is that these works are not copyrightable in the United States (see Commons:Reuse of PD-Art photographs). In these jurisdictions, this work is actually in the public domain and the requirements of the digital reproduction's license are not compulsory.

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