Europe 1799 monarchies, republics and ecclesiastical lands
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Monarchies, republics and ecclesiastical lands in Europe near the end of the French Revolution. On 21 January 1799, the proclamation of the Parthenopean Republic marked the peak of the period of sister republics – states founded on territories conquered by French and local revolutionary armies between 1795 and 1799 that were modeled after and loyal to the French First Republic. These were located in the Low Countries, the German Rhineland, Switzerland and Italy.
Free Imperial Cities are counted as republics. Ecclesiastical lands mainly consist of prince-bishoprics in the Holy Roman Empire.
Ecclesiastical lands
Vlastní dílo, based on Europe 1789 monarchies, republics and ecclesiastical lands.png, Karte Helvetik 3.png, Peace of Basel.png, HRR 1789.png, D062- N° 435. Les républiques sœurs. - Liv3-Ch16.png, Karte kongresspolen.png, Rzeczpospolita Rozbiory 3.png, Italy 1799.jpg, Italy 1803.jpg, Cisrhen.Rep.1797.jpg.jpg.
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