Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf 2011

2126 x 2480 Pixel (1964619 Bytes)
Schweizer Bundesrätin de:Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, 2011
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Coat of arms of Switzerland.svg

This image is an official portrait of a member of the Swiss Federal Council (after 1848) from the web site of the Swiss Federal Council or an official portrait of a Swiss Federal Chancellor taken from the website of the Swiss Federal Chancellery.

The Swiss Federal Chancellery has granted a general permission for the use of works from the database of historic and current Federal Councillors and from the database of historic and current Federal Chancellors. The permission has been archived in the Wikimedia VRTS. It is available as Ticket #2007080810014523 and Ticket #2008022410010827 for users belonging to the VRT. To confirm the permission, please contact someone with a VRTS account.

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Relevantní články

Eveline Widmerová-Schlumpfová

Eveline Widmerová-Schlumpfová je švýcarská právnička, politička a členka švýcarské federální rady od roku 2008. Je vedoucí Federálního ministerstva financí. Byla viceprezidentkou Švýcarské konfederace pro rok 2011, v roce 2012 byla pak její prezidentkou. .. pokračovat ve čtení