Flag of Brazil (1853-1889)
This vector image includes elements that have been taken or adapted from this file:
Coat of Arms of the Empire of Brazil (1853-1889).svg.
1500 x 1000 Pixel (392919 Bytes)
Flag of the Second Empire of Brazil, with 20 stars, representing the new provincies of Rio Negro (1850, later Amazonas) and Paraná (1853), furthermore the loss of the province of Cisplatina (1828). Reformed standard according to this book, an official publication of the government of Brazil, on page 74.
Komentář k Licence:
This work is in the public domain in Brazil for one of the following reasons:
- It is a work published or commissioned by a Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal) prior to 1983. (Law 3071/1916, art. 662; Law 5988/1973, art. 46; Law 9610/1998, art. 115)
- It is the text of a treaty, convention, law, decree, regulation, judicial decision, or other official enactment. (Law 9610/1998, art. 8)
- It is a work whose authors' rights belong to the Brazilian government (federal, state, or municipal), for which the economic rights shall be protected for a period of 70 years from the first of January of the year following that of their disclosure or that of the author's demise, whichever is later. ([3])
Public domain
Empire of Brazil / Império do Brasil Museu Histórico Nacional
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