Flag of Niger (3-2)
The flag of Niger often has the unusual 7:6 proportions, not the classic 2:3 proportion. The three bands have exactly the same size. For exact and complete coverage of the image, it is used as background. The central filled circle is at least 50% of the median band in diameter. 85% is used for better rendering at small sizes. For reference colors, see Flags of the world that define Pantone colors. For Pantone color conversion, please use ONLY the sRGB color profile (at reference gamma = 2.2 on CRT screen, without gamma correction by software or by the graphics display driver, as defined in IEC 61966-2.1, and with slope limit of 1/32, this limit affecting only the indices 1 to 14 in the 8-bit colorimetric component space 0 to 255):
The "burnt orange" color in the top band and circle is Pantone(166), i.e. RGB(224,82,6) = #E05206 on sRGB CRT screen, or CMYK(0,65%,100%,0) for process coated print, BUT NOT light orange #FF7000 which is somewhere between Pantone(130C) and Pantone(151), and is even lighter than X11 orange! See http://www.seoconsultants.com/css/colors/conversion/100/ The central white band is plain D65 reference white = RGB(255,255,255) = #FFFFFF.
The green color in the bottom band is Pantone(361), i.e. RGB(13,176,43) = #0DB02B on sRGB CRT screen, or CMYK(76%,0,91%,0) for process coated print, BUT NOT grass green #36A100 which too burnt and more like Pantone(369)! See http://www.seoconsultants.com/css/colors/conversion/300/Relevantní obrázky
Relevantní články
Nigerská vlajkaVlajka Nigeru byla přijata v roce 1959. Tvoří ji tři vodorovné pruhy v barvách oranžové, bílé a zelené. Uprostřed prostředního pruhu je oranžový kruh. .. pokračovat ve čtení