Flag of Racine, Wisconsin
Stanley Hansen
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"The official City of Racine flag, containing a blue and gold emblem on a white background was adopted by the City Council in July, 1948. The flag, which bears the symbols of a plow, an anchor, an anvil, two working men, a spread eagle and a flaming torch, was designed by Stanley Hansen, an 18 year old high school graduate as part of a contest conducted by the American Legion Post 76. Hansen's design was picked from 50 designs.
The official interpretation of the emblem on the flag, as read at the presentation ceremonies follows:
The walking plow brings to mind the means which made possible the preparation of the wide acres which yielded the golden grain that filled the city's large storage elevators. The anchor guarded the lives of Racine sailors who manned the ships which brought Racine's port the products of the Michigan forests. Its grappling points, driven deep into the lake bottom, held fast, enabling heavily laden craft to ride out many violent storms. The stalwart specimens of manhood, and the anvil, in the foreground are emblematic of the industry which has brought to Racine the acclaim of the world. Financial interests, creative geniuses, craftsmen and labor share alike in that great attainment. Through their combined efforts there has been given to the "Belle City of the Lakes" added glory. The spread eagle - our national emblem - is symbolic of freedom, that great treasure which we have so long enjoyed and which today is being eagerly sought by nations in which despotism has ruled with an iron hand for centuries.Rising above all is the flaming torch illuminating the path which leads to the solution of social problems which lie ahead. The official interpretation of the flag was composed by County Historian Charles M. Christensen."
Public domain
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Racine (Wisconsin)Racine je město na středozápadě Spojených států amerických ve státu Wisconsin. Při sčítání lidu v roce 2013 zde žilo 78 199 lidí, což dělá z Racine páté největší město Wisconsinu. Tradičně jsou zde tři největší etnické skupiny přistěhovalců: Dánové, Němci a Češi. Dle zjištění Oty Ulče zde vyšly v polovině 19. století první české noviny v USA. .. pokračovat ve čtení