Flag of Saudi Arabia (construction sheet)

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1077 x 748 Pixel (21581 Bytes)
Flag of Saudi Arabia — construction sheet
Public domain

Vlastní dílo. The dimensions shown on this construction sheet are based on Royal Decree No. M/3 — 10/2/1393 AH (March 15, 1973 AD).

A - The national flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is rectangular in shape, its width is equal to two-thirds of its length, its color is green, extending from the pole to the end of the flag, in the middle of it is the Shahada (there is no god but God and Muhammad is the Messenger of God) and a drawn sword under and parallel to it. White and clear on both sides. All of this is in accordance with the attached form No. (1).

B: - The area for drawing the certificate and the sword is equal to:

Width: The width of the upper and lower parts of the flag.
Length: the width of the right and left sections of the flag.

C - The certificate is drawn with a thuluth line and its base is in the middle of the width of the drawing of the certificate and the sword, and the sword is drawn with a length equal to three quarters of the length of the drawing of the certificate and an equal distance on both sides.

— English translation of Article 1, Royal Decree No. M/3 — 10/2/1393 AH (raw translation by Google)

Interpretation of the Royal Decree:

  • The flag has an aspect ratio of 2:3.
  • The Shahada and the sword are placed in an imaginary rectangle that is centered in the middle of the flag.
  • Vertical dimension of the imaginary rectangle: 12 hoist.
  • Horizontal dimension of the imaginary rectangle: 12 fly.
  • The baseline of the script that forms the Shahada sits on the horizontal centerline of the imaginary rectangle (which is also the horizontal centerline of the flag).
  • The sword is parallel to the fly; it is horizontally centered and has a length equal to 34 of the horizontal dimension of the imaginary rectangle.

A scan of the original decree can been seen at [1]. Page 10 contains a low resolution drawing of the flag.
Observations from drawing:

  • The sword in the drawing is narrow and straight.
  • The sword appears to located at the bottom of the imaginary rectangle which matches the assumption made above.

The image on this construction sheet is based on the Jun 15, 2022 version of File:Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg which in turn is based of the drawing that accompanies the Royal Decree.

Note: the first version of this construction sheet was based off of the December 5, 2021 version File:Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg which was in turn based of the flag image shown at Vexilla Mundi.
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