Flag of Wayne County, Michigan
512 x 291 Pixel (74212 Bytes)
Flag of Wayne County in Michigan, created according to [1] and File:Flag_of_Wayne_County,_Michigan.png. The seal on the flag was created between 1951 and 1955 and the flag was extant by September 1958.
Komentář k Licence:
This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1930 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart and the copyright renewal logs.
Public domain
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Wayne County (Michigan)Wayne County je okres ve státě Michigan ve Spojených státech amerických. K roku 2010 zde žilo 1 820 584 obyvatel. Správním a největším městem okresu je Detroit. Celková rozloha okresu činí 1 741 km². .. pokračovat ve čtení