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President George W. Bush presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to baseball legend Frank Robinson in the East Room Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2005. Winning the Most Valuable Player awards in the National and American Leagues, he achieved the American League Triple Crown in 1966. Mr. Robinson became baseball's first African-American manager.

The citation read:

Frank Robinson played the game of baseball with total integrity and steadfast determination. He won Most Valuable Player awards in both the National and American Leagues. He achieved the American League Triple Crown in 1966. His teams won five League titles and two World Series championships. In 1975, Frank Robinson broke the color barrier as baseball's first African-American manager, and he later won Manager of the Year awards in both the National and American Leagues. The United States honors Frank Robinson for his extraordinary achievements as a baseball player and manager and for setting a lasting example of character in athletics.[1]
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White House News & Policies photo (direct image URL [2])
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