Garden pool in Filoli, Woodside, California

Leonard G. on English Wikipedia; subseqently uploaded to commons via German Wikipedia by Sozi.
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A garden pool at Filoli mansion. This is one of several formal gardens on the estate. A far greater area is devoted to the growing of flowers and vegetables in working gardens. The dark green trees are Irish Yew trees, grown from small cuttings.

Beyond the hedge is a large swimming pool. The roofed structure partially seen is a three sided glass wind shelter.

Most of the garden care and the guiding of tours is provided by local volunteers. A groundskeeper can be seen at the right trimming the hedge with hand shears. (Note the extremely accurate lines and crisp edges of the hedge.)

The mountains in the background are part of the Coast Range. Between the estate and the mountains lies the San Andreas Fault.
(Circuitous); originally uploaded from English Wikipedia to the German Wikipdia de.wikipedia, thence to Wikimedia Commons.
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