General Wendjebauendjed's cups from Tanis by John Campana
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General Wendjebauendjed's funerary cups from the tomb of king Psusennes I at Tanis. Wendjebauendjed was a general who served under this pharaoh during the 21st dynasty period of Egypt. He had the rare privilege of being interred within Psusennes I's NRT III tomb at Tanis with various jewellery, burial equipment and a fine gold funerary mask. These rare and precious objects are today located in the Cairo Museum.
- The cup on the left is made exclusively of silver; the one in the middle is made of gold, silver and glass paste. Finally, the cup on the right is composed of gold and coloured glass paste. (Source: Alessandro Bongioanni and Maria Croce's 2003 book "The Treasures of Ancient Egypt", pp.403-405)
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