
2019 Lee et al.
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(A) Skeletal reconstruction in left lateral view (missing and damaged portions of the bones in gray). (B) Left ilium in lateral view. (C) Proximal caudal vertebrae in left lateral view with close-up of the infraprezygapophyses. (D) Chevron in cranial view. (E-F) Right scapula in dorsal (E) and lateral (F) views. (G) Last sacral and the two proximalmost caudals in left lateral view. (H) Right pubis in medial view. (I) Right ischium in lateral view. (J) Right femur in distal view. (K) Left metatarsus and distal tarsals in proximal view. (L) Right femur in cranial view. (M-N) Left metatarsus in lateral (M) and dorsal (N) views. Abbreviations: acr, acromion process; ant, antitrochanter; ch, chevron; cv, caudal vertebra(e); diprf, dorsal infraprezygapophyseal fossa; dt, distal tarsal(s); fct, cranial trochanter of femur; fh, femoral head; gl, glenoid fossa; idf, infradiapophyseal fossa; lc, lateral condyle; mc, medial condyle; mep, medial epicondyle; miprf, middle infraprezygapophyseal fossa; mt II, metatarsal II; mt IV, metatarsal IV; mt V, metatarsal V; ns, neural spine; obp, obturator process; pra, preacetabular process; pup, pubic peduncle; sprf, supraprezygapophyseal fossa; sv, sacral vertebra; tfc, tibiofibular crest; tp, transverse process; viprf, ventral infraprezygapophyseal fossa. Scale bars equal 10 cm in (A); 1 cm in (B-N). https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0210867.g004
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