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From source: Gonkoken nanoi gen. et. sp. nov., skeletal anatomy. (A) Bones described in this work (white). Some elements are indicated specularly to facilitate their representation. (B) CPAP 5337, right premaxilla in lateral view. (C) CPAP 5341, incomplete left postorbital in lateral view. (D) CPAP 5340, incomplete right maxilla in lateral view. (E) CPAP 5370, left dentary in medial view. (F) CPAP 5343, right quadrate in lateral view. (G) CPAP 5344, cervical vertebra in anterior view. (H) CPAP 5346, dorsal vertebra in anterior view. (I) CPAP 5371, right scapula in lateral view. (J) CPAP 5352, left sternum in ventral view. (K) CPAP 5400, incomplete right rib in anterior view. (L) CPAP 5379, proximal portion of right radius in posterior view. (M) CPAP 5355, incomplete left ulna in anterolateral view. (N) CPAP 5353, left humerus in posterolateral view. (O) CPAP 3054 (holotype), right ilium in lateral view. (P) CPAP 5356, left postacetabular process in lateral view. (Q) CPAP 5357, proximal portion of right ischium in medial view. (R) CPAP 5363, proximal portion of left fibula in lateral view. (S) CPAP 5360, incomplete right femur in distal view. (T) CPAP 5358, left femur in anterior view. (U) CPAP 5362, left tibia in lateral view. (V and W) CPAP 5349, caudal vertebra in anterior and lateral views. (X) CPAP 5364, right metatarsal III in anterior view. Skeleton modified from (31). Scale bars, 50 mm [(B) to (G), (J), (K) to (N), (Q), (S), and (V) to (X)] and 100 mm [(H), (I), (O), (P), (R), (T), and (U)].
Relict duck-billed dinosaurs survived into the last age of the dinosaurs in subantarctic Chile https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.adg2456
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Gonkoken byl rod ornitopodního hadrosauroidního dinosaura, který žil zhruba před 71 miliony let na území dnešního jižního Chile. .. pokračovat ve čtení