Grad Prizren

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Prizren is a city settlement, the seat of the municipality of the same name in Serbia, located in the southern part of Kosovo and Metohija and the seat of the Prizren administrative district. From around 1214, in the time of Stefan Nemanjić, the city belonged to the Serbian medieval state and became an economic and spiritual center. During the reign of King Milutin, Prizren (Prizren) became the most important trading place in Serbia. The town of Bistrica became economically stronger, especially during the reign of King Milutin, Tsar Dušan and Tsar Uroš. At that time, Prizren also minted its own money. The most important historical monuments from that period are the Serbian medieval heritage, the Church of the Mother of God Ljeviska and the monastery complex of the Holy Archangels, the endowment of Tsar Dusan. After the death of Tsar Dusan, Prizren was ruled by King Vukasin and held from 1362 to 1371. King Marko ruled Prizren until 1372, and Balšići from 1372 to 1376, and since then the decline of Prizren has begun and is mentioned in 1433 among the abandoned trading places.
Public domain
Fotografija iz kalendara Vardar za 1913. godinu, koji se čuva u Zavičajnom odeljenju Biblioteke grada Beograda
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Prizren je město v jižní části Kosova, v podhůří pohoří Šar. V celé opštině Prizren žilo v roce 2002 asi 221 tisíc obyvatel, z toho ve městě Prizren žilo 178 112 obyvatel. Městem protéká řeka Prizrenska Bistrica. Má zachovalé historické centrum (Shadervan) s památkami z dob Osmanské říše. .. pokračovat ve čtení