Grave goods from the Avar cemetery of Gyenesdiás, Hungary - reflex bow
- Zala County, Hungary
Up to now, 351 burials (about two-thirds of the total number) have been documented at the Avar cemetery, which was in use from 630 to the early 9th century. Relatively few weapons were found in the graves. About 20 burials were accompanied with a horse, as was characteristic for numerous Avar men's graves. A basket-shaped earring pendant typical of Keszthely culture was discovered in the grave of only one woman who had been buried in accordance with heathen ritual. The largest and richest graves were, with a single exception, already robbed during the Avar era.
Grave 64
On the north side of the burial pit, a man was interred in a wooden coffin with a reflex bow and saber, the characteristic weapons of a middle Avar mounted warrior of the middle period (670 to ca. 715). A harnessed horse lay on his right side, facing in the opposite direction. The front part of the horse and part of the coffin were covered with a large goat skin.
- Photographed while on display from 22 August 2008 to 11 January 2009 in the exhibition "Die Langobarden. Das Ende der Völkerwanderung" at the Rheinisches LandesMuseum Bonn. On loan from the Balatoni Múzeum Keszthely.
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