Grumman A-6A Intruder weapon load display, 1962 (NNAM.2011.003.240.028)

U.S. Navy
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A Grumman A-6A Intruder (then designated A2F-1) with an array of possible ordnance.
Outside ring: in front of the A-6 are five mock-ups of multiple ejector racks. To the right and left are 46 Mk 81 113 kg (250 lb) bombs. The circle is closed by 30 Mk 82 227 kg (500 lb) bombs.
Second ring: In front of the plane are "five classified shapes" (napalm canisters and/or nuclear weapons?). To the right 13 LAU-10 rocket launchers with four 12.7 cm (5 in) Zuni rockets each are arrayed, on the opposite side 13 Aero 7D (LAU-3/A) rocket launchers with 19 7 cm (2.75 in) are displayed. To the right and left of the horizontal stabilizers are 15 Mk 83 454 kg (1.000 lb) bombs, and 12 Mk 79 fire bombs are displayed behind the aircraft.
Inner ring: behind the left wing (with the national insignia) are three Aero 8A practice bomb containers, on the opposite side five Mk 84 907 kg (2.000 lb) bombs are displayed. In front of the left wing are five AGM-12A Bullpup air-to-ground missiles, in front of the right wing are four AIM-9B Sidewinder air-to-air missiles and a Douglas D-704 Buddy-Buddy refueling tank with extendable snorkel (a.k.a. Buddy Store).

The aircraft itself carries four 1.137 l (300 gal) tanks.
Public domain
U.S. Navy Naval Aviation News September 1963 [1], the ordnance is described in the March 1962 edition [2]; U.S. Navy National Museum of Naval Aviation photo No. NNAM.2011.003.240.028
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Grumman A-6 Intruder

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