HMS Grimsby and HMS Monmouth During Exercise Khanjar Ha'ad near Oman. MOD 45153354

(c) Photo: LA(Phot) Stuart Hill/MOD, OGL v1.0

LA(Phot) Stuart Hill
2473 x 1979 Pixel (1296065 Bytes)
Sandown Class Minehunter HMS Grimsby (foreground) is pictured with Type 23 frigate HMS Monmouth in the Middle East during the international naval Exercise Khanjar Ha’ad or "Sharp Dagger".

The exercise included elements from a number of Navies and Air Forces including the Royal Navy, the Royal Navy of Oman and the Royal Air Force of Oman. The purpose of was to exchange expertise and practice various disciplines at sea.

  • Organization: ROYAL NAVY
  • Object Name: FG110075341
  • Category: MOD
  • Supplemental Categories: Equipment, Ships, Minehunters
  • Keywords: Oman, Omani Navy, Exercise, Joint Forces, Navy, Exercise Sharp Dagger, Surface Ship, Type 23 Frigate, Gulf, Monmouth, Grimsby, Khanjar Hadd, International, Royal Navy, Equipment, Ship, Frigate, FFG, Type 23, Duke Class, HMS Monmouth, Mine Countermeasures, MCMV, Sandown Class, HMS Grimsby
  • Country: Oman
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