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And this "wet head" which in Serbian means "hygro-cybele" a resident of wet meadows, pastures and mountain clearings. Like its sister, the coarse material of her, very low profile in the green grass. We may come across it accidentally starting to catch sunstroke or the intention to sit down somewhere and rest on the gentle slopes of the mountain. These are precisely its habitat. And perhaps it is far more common than is thought. Its edibility is out of the question, but, is it cost effective to collect the hats when its only 1.5 - 4 cm, thin, brittle, fragile and delicate and slender grips, 0.5cm thick and up to 5 cm high. Especially if over them in the cart put some other robust species, the house will bring damaged the green, slimy mushroom. Better to bring your camera and take pictures of this little "Papagajka" as they sparkle in the morning dew, twisted hats, green and lime-green cones, cones, small cup. During wet weather to "shine like glass," says John Focht. But when the sun shines stronger, then catch the drought fade, and have yellow and orange shades. The ballots are always lighter than their hats, mostly of mixed colors, yellow-green, orange, and hence carry a parrot named. Their flesh is too watery, glassy, thin, whole mushrooms in color, without odor and mild pleasant aroma. These fungi are very small and probably the most beautiful models and mixes you with the many posters and Web pages. Although edible, it should be left in nature because it is already significantly compromised in Serbia. For its disappearance the greatest impact of acid rain, which is easiest to observe the mountain pine forests, a few mushrooms to pay attention.

Author of text Marjan Kuštera
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